Panasonic HC-X1 vs Panasonic AG-UX180
The Secret That Changes Everything
Before I even purchased my Panasonic HC-X1, I did a lot of research online. Actually, let me rephrase that. I did as much research as I possibly could online. That is because there isn't much info out there...or so I thought. Then I discovered a secret that changed everything, and has subsequently given me the power to MASTER my HC-X1.
The video reveals the secret: The Panasonic AG-UX180 IS the Panasonic HC-X1. So what does this mean? It means that your information pool just got a whole lot bigger.
So technically there are 2 minor differences, and 1 I missed in the video. There are 1 or 2 outputs on the AG-UX180, but those are for more pro pros, and there is a better warranty/support for the UX180.
Now that you know, you can us UX180 Guides (these 4 amazing links that every HC-X1 owner MUST have). And that includes a 269 page guidebook that tells you what every button and feature does on the camera.
It kind of sucks, but you now have to search for 2 different cameras in order to get ALL the information. However, hopefully you can take that knowledge and start mastering your HC-X1.